
Professor Albert Zomaya

Professor Albert Zomaya

  • Member of Academic European
  • Chair Professor, School of Computer Science
  • Director, Centre for Distributed and High Performance Computing Chair
  • Chair, IEEE Fellow Evaluation Committee
  • Guest/Honorary Professors of Tsinghua, Zhejiang, Shanghai Jiao Tong, Fudan, Chinese Academy of Sciences and many others.
  • The proposed reinforcement-based scheduler transformed the dynamic scheduling problem into a more simplified form by exploiting ideas from learning theory, enabling its solution by simple optimization techniques.
  • •The encoding mechanism developed to solve the dynamic scheduling problem in different areas of distributed systems, e.g. load balancing, distributed file allocation.
Dr Wei Li

Dr. Wei Li

  • PhD, The University of Sydney, Australia
  • Theme leader of Sustainable computing and edge computing, Centre for distributed and high performance computing
  • IEEE TCSC Award for Excellence for Early Career Researchers
  • Research funded by ARC, ATSE, and DIIS.
Associate Professor Jin Ma

Associate Professor Jin Ma

  • Dr. Ma is the member of CIGRE W.G. C4.605 “Modeling and aggregation of loads in flexible power networks”
  • Corresponding member of CIGRE Joint Workgroup C4-C6/CIRED “Modeling and dynamic performance of inverter based generation in power system transmission and distribution studies.”
  • Registered Chartered Engineer in U.K. and a member of IET.

PhD Student Xiaomin Chang
PhD Student Chunqiu Xia
PhD Student Xinwei Ji
PhD Student Shaojun Zhang
PhD Student Yucen Nan
PhD Student Tianming Zhao